How to Defeat America from Within; Inciting Incremental Institutional Disasters
For by Steven R. Berryman
March 28, 2022
The Barbarians are at the gates (again). America the Exceptional is being systematically de-installed by shadowy enemies from within, who in-turn are being fed by Leftists and their surrogates, funded from abroad. This would be China, and their cult of communism.
The funding mechanisms are well hidden via methods such as "cut-outs," advertising payoffs, and stock market payoffs fed to hedge funds.
The cash buys favors, votes, influence over information, as we know.
When a nation is (almost) too big to fail, it must be destroyed from within by the modern version of the "death by a thousand cuts." A loss of trust by the populace by its citizenry creates an overwhelming cultural anxiety that en masse, fomenting anger, hatred, and lost trust in our ways of life.
When their are multiples of failure in (once) trusted institutions, it creates a debilitating national effect that can paralyze patriotism, and investment by the citizenry.
Take the following examples of failing institutions and evidence:
*Education: Parents and teachers are now at odds, and the FBI is now considering parents as potential terrorists. Indoctrination that include Critical Race Theory (CRT) separates the races as much as bussing did. Teachers Unions are infiltrated by Leftist teachers unions, whose mandatory dues ultimately become Democrat war-chest fodder.
Student mask mandates define which side is for student mental health, and which are the Leftists.
Law schools allow for shouting down debate when conservatives are involved by shouting them down. Goodbye freedom of speech. Thx Yale, Harvard, and U.C.B.
Chinese benevolent societies have fully infiltrated Universities, and influence staff.
*The Medical System that Failed us: The Center for Disease Control and PREVENTION didn't. What they designated Covid-19 was allowed to fester in part to allow the economy to be decimated; this was the only way they could keep Donald Trump out of office.
Off the shelf vaccinations were already manufactured and stored by MedImmune and others (Astra-Zeneca) years before. Dr. Fauci was already a part patent holder, conveniently. He, of course Guided the National Institutes of Health for years. Remember AIDS? That was him.
We were instructed to leave work, hide out at home, distance 6 feet, wear masks, clean all surfaces constantly, and NOT instructed about how important early responses were to medical outcomes. WHO, The World Health Organization, heavily Chinese influenced, walked back most of these, when it was too late.
Did you ever see a medical infomercial that featured the importance of maintenance of immune system, use of zinc, Vitamin D3, Vitamin C to prep body. Did they push exercise and fresh air with sunshine? Did they tell us that early intervention almost always helped outcomes tremendously? Ivermectin, Monoclonal Antibodies, and more were suppressed. One can argue which ones worked best, but that quickly becomes a political conversation.
The polarization of medical advise is that if you notice a driver alone in her car with a mask on, it does not require a Biden bumper sticker.
*Race. Kamala Harris became a black Vice President based upon her looks instead of competence, even after she attacked Biden during the Debates. Biden said, "Don't worry black kids, poor kids can be just as intelligent as white kids." And the Mainstream Media walked away.....
Race riots featuring looting in the Pacific North-West were just "demonstrations," born of anger going back to slavery. It was ok because it amounted to reparations, argued the Mainstream Media.
And the Demonstration at the Capitol January 6th was an "insurrection" by contrast. Really?
*Law and order: The Left would de-fund the Police, at least until crime stats skyrocketed. Check out crime stats from Portland, Chicago, Boston and New York and Baltimore to name a few. The Left would drive a wedge between the COPS and the citizenry, encouraging anarchy.
In Maryland, the (Democrat) State Legislature rescinded legal protection for the Police. Now they are paralyzed, and have big trouble even recruiting. Speeders don't worry about speeding any more....
Economic Policy. How did our Democrat administration get America from Energy Independence to despair in a year? American advantage in power and world affairs is based upon a strong economy, fueled by relatively cheap fossil fuels, our natural birthright.
We will not be energized by electric cars, costing $43 K on average, and leave waste in used batteries, and costing the land that must yield Nickel, Copper, Lead. Lithium, and other heavy metals to produce. How will the inner city poor afford, once internal combustion is forced out?
Maybe Congress will determine that ownership of an electric vehicle is a Constitutional birth right? Say otherwise you are a Racist!
God help the Rainforests, and breadbasket regions that will be mined.
*Surveillance State: forget the hidden tax of red light and speed cams that you were sold as making police more efficient. Thanks to the 2001 Patriot Act, slipped in there after 9/11 you are easily viewed as a potential Terrorist, just by watching Al Jazeera, or taking a phone call from an automotive warranty company that called you from Syria.
Your bank now spies on you and reports back to your minders any time you deposit $600 or more into your account.
*Religion: And what has become the role and value of faith in our pandemic world? In a time for religion to quell the masses, your Government chose sedation instead. THEY closed houses of worship, and kept your liquor store open!
*Our Military: ....which is supposed to be laser focused on how to best kill our enemies in a time of war, and be prepared to do so...has been preoccupied with such programs as: transgender and gay sensitivity programs, and designing uniforms and flight suits that fit pregnant soldiers and airwomen. Does this anger anyone?
*The Mainstream Media continues to polarize the nation, baiting Democrats against Republicans, Conservatives against Liberals, black vs white, and haves vs the have-nots. This all in the name of ratings and web clicks. Where the "entertainment" quotient is snuck in is not always obvious. Anger is a commodity that sells via emotional attachment to ones own biases.
And so, these institutions, taken individually may not create cultural and societal anxiety, phobia, and pessimism. This may not be the end of Patriotism. However, taken collectively, all of these (and more!) examples of institutional failure conjure up a wholesale decline in trust, a loss of optimism, a loss of pride of nationhood, and a paranoia about Government.
When one man, or woman does not feel connected to a sense that they are able to make a difference in the world, due to overwhelming systemic failures, the systematic withdrawal of individuals from their connectedness could constitute the beginning of the end of what had once upon a time made America Great.
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